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Preventive dentistry

Preventive methods of treatment help eliminate dental diseases on early stages of their development. The advantage of such methods consists in minimizing pain and unpleasant sensations during treatment along with speedy recovery and rehabilitation. Our individualized approach towards every patient and selection of the best treatment method while taking into account special traits of their system enables us to achieve the desired results.

Diseases treated by a preventive dentist:

After diagnosing the disease using multiple methods such as oral cavity examination, X-ray diagnostics, microbiological tests, etc., it is possible to treat following diseases in an efficient way:

  • caries

  • gum and mucous tunic inflammation

  • stomatitis

  • abnormal tooth sensitivity

  • gum bleeding

If necessary, a doctor uses safe and efficient anesthesia which helps in avoiding pain and unpleasant sensations. Application of medicines eliminates bacterial and viral infections.

Following prescriptions given by the doctor at the end of the treatment accelerates recovery and precludes mouth cavity diseases from developing in the future.

After treatment, patients notice reduction in gum sensitivity, improvement in their external look and stopping of gums bleeding.

Our specialist

  • Specialization

    • Any

Diagnosis and treatment

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