Prosthetic dentistry

If restoring integrity of the tooth is impossible or its removal is necessary, many patients look for alternative methods of its restoration. The most efficient and popular of them is using dental prostheses. This method is practiced by a prosthetic dentist. After carefully examining a patient and studying a case history, they choose the most efficient way of tooth replacement.

Types of dental prostheses

In dentistry, following types of prostheses are used:

  • removable dentures

  • fixed dentures

Removable dentures can be partially or completely removable. They are used when core installation is impossible. Their implementation allows virtually destroyed or lost teeth to be restored.

Fixed dentures include such constructions as:

  • bridge prostheses

  • tooth crowns

  • partial tooth crowns

These constructions are reliably fixed against the root of the tooth or neighboring teeth. As a result, their accidental removal or destruction are virtually impossible. Patients experience almost no restrictions in their meals, and these prostheses are practically indistinguishable from healthy teeth in their external look.

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