Teeth whitening and cleaning

It is not always possible to clean impurities and bacteria from the tooth enamel thoroughly using standard hygienic methods. As a result, accumulation of dental calculi takes place, teeth lose their natural color and unpleasant odor may appear because of pathological bacteria reproducing. Later, caries development takes place, and inflammatory processes may cause gums bleeding. In addition to that, deteriorating look of the teeth, their unpleasant color and dental calculi make a person unsociable and suffering from psychological complexes. Professional teeth cleaning and whitening can return shining, snow-white look to the teeth. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to remove tooth plaque quickly and painlessly even in places most difficult to reach. Professional whitening will help bring back snowy whiteness and shining look to the your teeth.

Treatment efficiency

The treatment helps achieve such results as:

  • reduction in teeth sensitivity

  • elimination of gums bleeding

  • enamel strengthening

  • prevention and healing of initial caries stages

  • improvement in the look of the teeth

By dedicating some time to this efficient and painless procedure, it is possible not only to improve external look of the teeth, but also preclude diseases from developing. This can help keep teeth healthy and extend life of tooth inlays and dentures.

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