
Not every person visits a specialist on receiving the first signals from their system about certain disorders. Such delayed response can sometimes lead to irremediable consequences. Presence of inflammatory processes and infections in urogenital organs can lead to irreversible changes including infertility. Some diseases manifest themselves only at their late stages requiring prolonged treatment. To prevent such developments and eliminate possible adverse effects, you should undergo regular medical checkups. At our clinic, specialists will perform examinations and refer you for all necessary tests. We can provide you with a full range of services at our clinic, including the following list:

  • Chronic prostatitis treatment

  • Kidney stone disease and kidney cyst treatment

  • Treatment of urogenital candidiasis in men

  • Diagnostics and treatment of different kinds of urethritis including selection of appropriate medicines

  • Removal of genital papillomas and condylomas using the most modern techniques without injuring adjacent tissues

  • Acute and chronic pyelonephritis treatment

  • Chronic and recurring cystitis treatment

  • Hormonal stimulation of sperm production

  • Finger massage of the prostate

Regardless of how advanced your disease is, at our clinic you can receive the most modern diagnostics and treatment conforming to world standards.

Our specialist

  • Specialization

    • Any

Diagnosis and treatment

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