
Diseases of the rectum are unpleasant enough by themselves, and most people avoid talking about them, let alone visiting doctors. However, it is worth understanding that the more you delay visiting a proctologist, the more harm it can do to your health. Our clinic works with situations of any degree of complexity.

Services we provide

We can perform the following services:

  • infrared laser coagulation of hemorrhoidal nodes and anal fissures

  • ligation of hemorrhoidal nodes with latex rings

  • hemorrhoid nodes stapling

  • conservative treatment of large intestine inflammatory diseases

  • laparoscopic surgery

Every patient is prepared for a surgery in advance. Our skilled proctologists will answer all questions you are interested in. You will also be provided with observation during the necessary period after the surgery.

What are our advantages?

Our medical center is constantly and dynamically developing. This development does not have much to do with exterior and interior design as it does with improving our employees’ skills. We invest a lot of time in the personnel obtaining new knowledge of modern treatment methods.

  • we use cutting-edge equipment to perform examinations

  • highly-skilled proctologists having great experience in performing intervention of this type

  • affordable pricing

  • all necessary examinations and manipulations available in a single building

  • high quality processing of biological materials which helps obtain the most precise data

Combining all mentioned advantages, we guarantee a positive outcome.

Our specialist

  • Specialization

    • Any

Diagnosis and treatment

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