doctor of functional diagnostics
doctor of functional diagnostics
In 1992 he graduated from the Saratov order of the red banner of Labour state medical Institute SW No. 075108 on a speciality "medical business", qualification "doctor". In 1993, he completed an internship in therapy. In 1998, training was held in Saratov state medical University on subject "Clinical cardiology, functional diagnostics" In 2004 was re-trained in functional diagnostics. In 2012, the company held short-term training at the training research center "Somet" fsbi Bakulev them. A. N. After Bakulev Russian Academy of medical Sciences course: "Clinical echocardio". In 2016, training was held in GBODO "Russian medical Academy of postgraduate education" of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation a professional development program on "Ultrasound diagnosis in cardiology-echocardiography". Has the certificate on functional diagnostics, has the highest qualification category.