

on problems can occur at any age. Violations of this plan can cause a lot of inconvenience. If you do not pay attention, you can significantly worsen the situation. Our doctors will help you to determine the factors that have a negative impact on the acuity of our vision, to eliminate them, to normalize the condition, to eliminate the processes that have already appeared. Ophthalmological office of our medical center is equipped with the latest and most modern equipment, which is able to determine even the slightest changes in our body. The high professionalism and cooperation of our specialists allows us to get a complete picture of what is happening. It is also important that in us you can get a full range of studies. Diagnosis makes it possible to establish with greater certainty the causes that provoke the occurrence of violations, as well as the selection of techniques that eliminate them. The list of our services is wide and diverse, which includes even surgery. Here is what we offer you:

  • Initial consultation with an ophthalmologist. He will examine the patient and prescribe the studies that should to spend additionally.
  • Re-appointment of an ophthalmologist. There is an interpretation of the information and the selection of adequate treatment. If you need surgery, you will be provided with all information about the risks and consequences.
  • See an ophthalmologist before surgery. This is necessary to clarify the entire procedure and the postoperative period.
  • ultrasonic scanning Method. It is necessary for the diagnosis of disorders.
  • the
  • the Study of the fundus on the fundus camera.
  • Gonioscopy. Allows you to study the structure of the anterior chamber of the eyeball.
  • Study of visual fields.
  • Optical coherence tomography.
  • Pneumotonometry. Allows you to measure intraocular pressure.
  • Complex fluorescent examination of the retina.
  • the
  • CT scan of the orbits. Clearly analyzes all the structures of the orbit.
  • Mr imaging of the eye sockets. One of the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods. Helps to find diseases of the eye and orbital region.

  • Orthokeratological treatment.
  • Plastic tear point.
  • Washing of tear ducts.
  • Preventive laser coagulation of the retina around the tear or area.
  • Removal of seams.
  • Removal of foreign bodies.
  • the
  • removal of the chalazion.
  • the
  • Antiglaucomatous glaucoma operation.
  • Vitrectomy.
  • artificial lens Implantation.
  • Strabismus surgery.
  • Through corneal transplantation.
  • cataract Phacoemulsification.

This is not the whole list of what we can offer you. We are constantly improving and adding all the latest trends in solving problems in the field of ophthalmology. Make an appointment with us for a consultation and our doctors will help to solve the problem at any stage and provide all the necessary information. We value our reputation and therefore constantly improve the level of our professionalism.

Our specialist

  • Specialization

    • Any
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